New! Back button added to surveys and quizzes

We’re pleased to announce an important enhancement to surveys and quizzes: the back button! Now, survey and quiz participants can click on the back button to move backward through their survey or quiz, without having to use their web browser’s back buttons.

When you create a multi-page survey or create a multi-page quiz, you’ll see the back button at the bottom of the page:

The back button makes for a more intuitive survey or quiz experience. Previously participants could always use their web browser’s back button to page backward through their survey or quiz, though this method isn’t necessarily apparent to all users.

To enable the back button, hover over your survey or quiz in your dashboard and click on Edit. On the survey / quiz editing screen, check the box next to Show back button (branching rules will disable this):

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the blue Save Settings button for your change to take effect.

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