Reset Your Survey Data to Start from Scratch

You’ve created a great survey to gain some insight into what your customers / students / teachers / colleagues / management is thinking. You asked some people to complete the survey to test the flow of questions. Now you’re ready to launch the survey but you don’t want all those test completions to skew your results. What’re you to do? You can easily reset your survey data to erase all the test completions to start from scratch and avoid skewing your survey results. Here’s how:

Hover over the title of your survey in your dashboard, and click on Reports:

On the Reports screen, click on Data:

On the Data screen, click on the Reset link under data options. Note that this survey currently has eight test responses:

If you’re sure you want to permanently delete the test responses, accept the confirmation. Note that once survey results have been reset, there is no way to retrieve them. Be absolutely sure when resetting survey results:

Once you accept the confirmation, you’ll see a notice at the top of the screen, letting you know that you’ll receive an email when your survey results have been deleted:

Responses have subsequently been reset—zero are showing:

That was easy!

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Collect your readers' opinions with polls and surveys created with Crowdsignal. A simple tool, surprisingly powerful.
